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Assistance in Bank Account Opening

With our 15+ years of experience in the field, we are able to select banks that are secure, provide excellent services, as well as numerous banking facilities (e-banking, credit cards, letters of credit, etc.).

In addition, other important characteristics are studied before selecting a bank, such as:
  • Political and economic stability of the country where the bank is located.
  • Bank service conditions (fees, minimum deposit, etc).
  • Reputation of the institution.
  • Wide range of financial products offered.

Opening a bank account for your company

We have developed a banking network and expertise which enables us to assist our clients through the account application for all companies we register. Obviously, the final decision to open an account lies with the bank, but our clients’ account opening success rate is excellent. Some Banks accepts account opening by correspondence.

What banking facilities are available?

As a general rule, the following facilities are available from the financial establishments:
  • icon  Multi-currency accounts;
  • icon  E-banking;
  • icon  Trading in currency, shares and other titles;
  • icon  Interest bearing accounts;
  • icon  Credit card and debit card; and
  • icon  Letter of Credit.

Note that access to facilities is subject to bank review and approval.


How to choose the country where the bank account will be opened?

SFM can facilitate banking introduction in the following countries:





Hong Kong





United Arab





Puerto Rico



Isle of Man

A company is free to open an account where it wishes. Therefore, a company registered in Hong Kong or Gibraltar may well have its bank account in Switzerland and vice versa. To determine what would be the most appropriate jurisdiction for your bank account, please contact one of our advisors who would be happy to assist you. For more information, please also see our frequently asked questions about bank accounts.

Which documents are needed to open a bank account?

As a general rule the bank asks for a certified copy of the shareholder's and director's passport (beneficial owner), as well as recent proof of residence which, must be less than three months old. However, the full scope of documents depends on the bank, and on the particulars of each case. If the client goes to the bank in person to open the account, a certified copy of the passport is not required. For example, in Mauritius, banks also require a letter of reference from a bank and a CV. In Panama, banks do not open accounts by correspondence.

We will send you the additional documents necessary for opening the account by email, as an attachment, for you to sign and return to us preferably by special courier ( DHL, FedEx or Chronopost), along with the other documents mentioned above.

  • Each bank account application is subject to the bank’s mandatory due diligence requirements and duties under national and international (FATF) standards, in particular to prevent money laundering, and nothing on this webpage shall be construed as an offer to waive such requirements and duties.
  • Banks are listed as example only. You will need to confirm your choice of a bank after the registration of your company. You have no obligation to select a listed bank and may propose another bank of your choice. SFM is not proposing bank services. An introduction service includes the preparation of the application form and the submission of the application file. Any application is subject to the acceptance of the client by the bank.

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for Bank Account Opening

Assistance in Bank Account Opening Only
(no company formation service)

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