
News & Information

Report: Seychelles and Anguilla Next to Come Off Tax Haven Blacklist, not Panama

26 October 2021
In early October, European Union finance ministers in Brussels removed the Seychelles from the EU’s tax haven blacklist along with two other states: Dominica and Anguilla. They denied the request from a fourth jurisdiction – Panama[..]

ITA Audit for the British Virgin Islands

26 October 2021
In 2018, the Economic Substance (Companies and Limited Partnerships) Act came into effect. Recently, the deadline for the first filings passed for the BVI Tax Authority. They are now expected to commence targeted requests for audits to entities requesting verification of relevant activities[..]

7 Ways to raise funds for your company in the UAE

5 September 2021
For aspiring entrepreneurs, those with viable business ideas, and those who seek to level up their small businesses, raising capital can sometimes be difficult and complicated. [..]

Signed: New Opportunities for Mainland Trade for Offshore Companies

1 September 2021
While banking, investing, and cryptocurrency took the world by storm, so now is Blockchain revolutionising the ways in which companies are incorporated. [..]

How Blockchain Will Revolutionise The Ways Companies Are Incorporated

31 August 2021
While banking, investing, and cryptocurrency took the world by storm, so now is Blockchain revolutionising the ways in which companies are incorporated. [..]

How Will The New Globalized 15% Tax Rate Impact Offshore Companies

14 July 2021
Following the new agreement on a global minimum tax rate in efforts to prevent companies from shifting their profits to offshore companies, [..]

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