
Noticias SFM Offshore

Major Change in U.A.E : the introduction of the Unemployment Insurance.

19 May 2022
It will be open to all workers regardless of nationality - according to Abdulrahman Al Awar, Minister for Human Resources and Emiratisation [..]

SFM Goes Net Zero

18 May 2022
SFM is one of the only global corporate service provider to achieve net zero..[..]

Entertainment and Gaming in Ras Al Khaimah, new Department has been Created. The Department will be Responsible for a Range of Issues

5 April 2022
It was recently announced that a new department will soon begin operating in the Ras Al Khaimah Emirate. Its purpose is to oversee everything related to the complexities of entertainment and gaming[..]

Why your Organisation must not Ignore the Metaverse

5 April 2022
Poor grasp of the technology, scepticism over its potential, or the natural conservatism of business: these are the three main reasons some organisations simply don’t take the metaverse seriously in 2022[..]

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